big green plants in a garden surrounded by fence

2009 Homestead Yields

Homestead Yields

Don’t laugh at some of these! Remember we’re still learning. I’m quite pleased with what we’ve been able to do this past year. It’s quite an improvement over 2008 and I’m very hopeful for what we can accomplish during the new year!

1 c. blackberries

20 hazelnuts

3 qts. mulberries

210 lbs. pork, ham, sausage, & bacon

36 lbs. turkey

39 lbs. chicken

186 dozen eggs

7 1/2 oz. radishes (We only planted a couple, we don’t really care for them too much, but they’re always the first to be harvested & they’re easy to grow so I find them encouraging.)

16 lbs. 12 oz. Snap Peas

10 lbs. 3 oz. Cucumbers

13 lbs. 9 oz. Zucchini

9 lbs. 5 oz. Summer Squash

29 lbs. 5 oz. Cabbage

12- 1 gallon sized bags- lettuce

60 lbs. green beans (Wow!!! Too bad I don’t care for the variety we chose.)

1 lb. 8 oz.